2022 Poker Runs

Colorado ARES R1D5 provided safety communications for the Spring and Fall 2022 Poker Runs. The event takes place twice a year (Spring and Fall) in the Rampart Range. ARES R1D5 has worked closely with the Rampart Range Motorized Management Committee (RRMMC) for many years, providing communications for the event that takes place in the Pike National Forest. R1D5 members set up a communications Command Post at the Start/Finish and provide radio operators at all of the checkpoint locations.

Brennan (AD0UZ), Jim (N4JJR) and Dick (WB0EVA) manned the communications trailer at Start/Finish during the Spring Poker Run. Hal (KE0KFB) was Mission Coordinator (MC) for the event.
ARES R1D5 provides portable APRS trackers to the sweep riders so they can be tracked on the various courses. PinPoint software (written by R1D5 member Frank Watervoort, AB0WV) provides the course overlay on a map and shows the location of the sweep riders and the checkpoint operators. A rover is also present to quickly get to an area where additional help may be needed.
Gathering for the Fall Poker Run morning briefing outside of the ARESDEC trailer. Brennan (AD0UZ) was MC for the event.
James (AB7II) and Willem (AC0KQ) ready to go at their Checkpoint.
Hal (KE0KFB) enjoying the beautiful weather in the forest.
Jerry (AG7U) and Bill (KF0CWS) ready to go at Checkpoint 4.
Harriett (W0HCO) and Jase (W0EXJ) enjoying the sunshine at Checkpoint 2.
Dick (K8ZTT) and Wayne (W0ARP) manned the important Checkpoint 1 which has an APRS digipeater located at the site. The digipeater is crucial for receiving the APRS beacons carried by the sweep riders.
Nothing better than enjoying the beautiful Colorado outdoors during a Poker Run!
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