Event Series Face-to-Face

Face-to-Face – Winter Operations

HRSS - Highlands Ranch DCSO Substation 9250 Zotos Drrive, Highlands Ranch, CO, United States

Panel presentation covering expected Winter ARES missions, expert advice to maintain readiness, special considerations for Winter activations, Vehicular/travel safety, Shelter Operations and Communications. Presenters: Perry/W6AUN, Hal/KE0KFB, Walt/AB0VZ, and Mike/K7AIH.

Event Series NPO Board Meeting

ARESDEC NPO Meeting. Pizza Provided!

HRSS - Highlands Ranch DCSO Substation 9250 Zotos Drrive, Highlands Ranch, CO, United States

ARESDEC members, Welcome to 2025!  One thing the new year brings is new activities for the ARESDEC non-profit organization (NPO). It's time to renew your NPO annual membership for 2025. The $10 NPO donation can be easily made by going to our aresdec.org website. We have two NPO board member seats that came to term […]

Event Series Face-to-Face

Face-to-Face: Knots for ARES and Ham Radio: An Update

HRSS - Highlands Ranch DCSO Substation 9250 Zotos Drrive, Highlands Ranch, CO, United States

Join us for the first Face-to-Face meeting in the New Year at 19:00. Topic: Knots for ARES and Ham Radio: An Update Be there for a knotty evening (see what we did there?) as our own Perry, W6AUN tests our knowledge of knots to see which knots we remember from our last Face-to-Face.  Perry will […]

Event Series Face-to-Face

Face-to-Face: MC of Planned Events

HRSS - Highlands Ranch DCSO Substation 9250 Zotos Drrive, Highlands Ranch, CO, United States

Have you thought about volunteering to be the Mission Coordinator for an ARESDEC planned event? Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a Mission Coordinator? In ARES, we use Mission Coordinators for both planned events and 'real-world' activations. What does it take to be a Mission Coordinator? Are the demands on a Mission […]

Event Series Face-to-Face

Face-to-Face: ARESDEC Storm Operations Training

HRSS - Highlands Ranch DCSO Substation 9250 Zotos Drrive, Highlands Ranch, CO, United States

Presentation on our Wx Spotting protocols used within the ARES R1D5 group.Here, at our March F2F, Jim N4JJR will lead us through some very important topics to ARES R1D5, including: How to be a mobile storm spotter How ARES activates and manages our members in the field How to prepare / Wx Spotting GO-KIT How […]

Event Series Face-to-Face

Face-to-Face: ICS Forms Usage/Integration & Table Top Exercise

NB - New Beginning Community Church 10550 S Progress Way #100, Parker, CO, United States

ICS forms and documents used by the Incident Command System (ICS) are used to convey information and direct the response to an incident (planned event or activation). It is very important that every ARES member understands what each type of ICS form is used for and what information is necessary to complete the form.  It's […]

Event Series Face-to-Face

Face-to-Face: Field Day Planning & Go-Kit Presentations

HRSS - Highlands Ranch DCSO Substation 9250 Zotos Drrive, Highlands Ranch, CO, United States

Summer is almost here and that means that the annual ARRL Field Day is just around the corner.  At our May Face-to-Face meeting, we will cover some Field Day planning and logistics type activities.  Our ARES leadership under the direction of W6AUN will lead that discussion. We’ll also be treated to several “Go-Kit” presentations from […]

Event Series Face-to-Face

Face-to-Face Meeting: Mapping Tools Integration & Security Systems

NB - New Beginning Community Church 10550 S Progress Way #100, Parker, CO, United States

We have a really great program planned for the July Face-to-Face meeting.  We hope you will join us for a unique evening of great information that you can use both in ARES and in your personal/business life. Jerry AG7U will present different mapping tools used by ARESDEC and show us how they integrate with each […]

Event Series Face-to-Face

Face-to-Face Meeting: Everything Coax for Amateur Radio

NB - New Beginning Community Church 10550 S Progress Way #100, Parker, CO, United States

Do you know what kinds of coax cable to use for your application?  What's the difference between RG58A/U, RG58U, RG-8X, RG-8U, LMR240, LMR400 coax?  What is the attenuation DB/100ft for the different types of coax cable?   These are all great questions that every amateur radio operator has at one point or another in time. Ron […]

Event Series Face-to-Face

Face-to-Face: Winter Operations

HRSS - Highlands Ranch DCSO Substation 9250 Zotos Drrive, Highlands Ranch, CO, United States

Our October Face-to-Face meeting focuses on the important components of Winter Operations and preparing ourselves for potential activations during the winter. Hal KE0KFB, Perry W6AUN and Mike K7AIH will present content about Winter Missions/Activation, Readiness (including vehicle prep), Winter Travel Advisories, Cold Wx Hazards (Frostbite/Hypothermia), Shelter Operations (including Red Cross and Communications)...and finally Demobilization. There […]

Event Series NPO Board Meeting

ARESDEC NPO Meeting. Pizza Provided!

HRSS - Highlands Ranch DCSO Substation 9250 Zotos Drrive, Highlands Ranch, CO, United States

ARESDEC members, Welcome to 2026!  One thing the new year brings is new activities for the ARESDEC non-profit organization (NPO). It's time to renew your NPO annual membership for 2026. The $10 NPO donation can be easily made by going to our aresdec.org website. We have two NPO board member seats that came to term […]

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