Face-to-Face April 27, 2023 EOSS
Larry Noble/N0NDM, also with EOSS, promises a noteworthy April 27th F2F presentation: Amateur Radio in High Altitude Balloon Ops.
Larry Noble/N0NDM, also with EOSS, promises a noteworthy April 27th F2F presentation: Amateur Radio in High Altitude Balloon Ops.
Field Day Planning - K6AUN GO-KIT SHOW & TELL. Kudos to the Seven Staff Members signed-up to bring 10 various GO-KIT items for the requested static display/Show & Tell at the May 25th F2F. Other staff are welcome to bring in cool deployment kits/things. Hopefully this will be informative, especially to newer members, and generate […]
Presenter: K1POO
Presenter: Larry, N0NDM Situational Awareness to minimize risks to our personal safety.
Willem Schreuder/AC0KQ will help us enhance our message handling capability and prepare for the SET by presenting on NTS, Radiogram format and use, and leading a fun practical exercise to see just how good you are at sending and receiving messages over the air.
Panel presentation covering expected Winter ARES missions, expert advice to maintain readiness, special considerations for Winter activations, Vehicular/travel safety, Shelter Operations and Communications. Presenters: Perry/W6AUN, Hal/KE0KFB, and Mike/K7AIH.
Join us for the ARESDEC December Face-to-Face meeting on Thursday, 12/7 at 19:00 at the Douglas County Sheriff's substation in Highlands Ranch. Remember December's Face-to-Face meeting is earlier in the month than normal. Knots for ARES and Amateur Radio Be there for a knotty evening (see what we did there?) as our own Perry, W6AUN […]
ARESDEC members, Welcome to 2024! One thing the new year brings is new activities for the ARESDEC non-profit organization (NPO). It's time to renew your NPO annual membership for 2024. The $10 NPO donation can be easily made by going to our aresdec.org website. We have two NPO board member seats that came to term […]
Have you thought about volunteering to be the Mission Coordinator for an ARESDEC event? Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a Mission Coordinator? In ARES, we use Mission Coordinators for both activations and planned events. What does it take to be a Mission Coordinator? Are the demands on a Mission Coordinator different […]
Our February Face-to-Face meeting will deal with a very important topic that is of interest to every licensed Ham Radio Operator! We are going to talk about how to stay safe and compliant with FCC Radio Frequency Exposure rules. How to keep your station safe and in compliance with FCC exposure and record keeping rules […]
Face-to-Face (F2F) Meeting – Presentation on our Wx Spotting protocols used within the ARES R1D5 group.Here, at our March F2F, we will have two presentations: 1) Quick demo of our served partner agency, Elbert County OEM DTRS radios - short demo of the radio and how they work, what channels we are to use, etc. […]
At our April 2024 Face to Face meeting, we will be privileged to have Mike Pappas, W9CN lead a presentation on vehicle power systems. Everything you wanted to know about Vehicle Power systems but were afraid to ask: Alternators and batteries Voltage Boosters Best practices for wiring radios to vehicle electrical systems. If you've been […]