12 events found.
Face-to-Face Meeting Cancelled
Face-to-Face Cancelled Due to Field Day Activities June 22-23, 2024
See you at Field Day! Come join us!
Face-to-Face Cancelled due to Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving!
Face-to-Face Cancelled
The ARESDEC Face-to-Face meeting for December is cancelled due to Christmas.
Face-to-Face Cancelled due to Field Day activities
June Face-to-Face will not be held this month due to Field Day events
Face-to-Face Cancelled due to Thanksgiving Holiday
Face-to-Face cancelled due to Thanksgiving.
Face-to-Face Cancelled due to Christmas Day
No Face-to-Face meeting due to Christmas.
Face-to-Face cancelled due to Field Day events
Field Day events are the focus and training for this month! Come join us.
Face-to-Face Cancelled due to Thanksgiving
No Face-to-Face meeting in November. See you in January!
Face-to-Face cancelled due to Christmas
See you in January!