The old “organization” callsign “WØDTF” is no more. In concordance with our new district identity, we have a new callsign – “WAØDE” . The derivation for the callsign is ” ARES of Douglas and Elbert Counties
Our “organization” callsign is used at the DC EOC, or anywhere that we are operating as a group. It is also used by our APRS stations. It is up to the Emergency Coordinator, or an AEC who is in charge of an event (the “Mission Coordinator”) as to whether to use this callsign when we’re not using the EOC. It may be used, for example, by NCS at an event like Poker Run, or the Turkey Day 5K, where we establish an operations center for the event. In theory, it could be used by an NCS during our regular nets, however we have not traditionally done that.
Randy – W0RDR is the trustee for the “club call”, but that does not mean that using it automatically gives the user “Extra Class” operating privileges. Those are determined by the license class of the “control operator” who is in charge of the station using the callsign. This is one reason when we are operating at an event like Field Day we do everything we can to have an “Extra” on scene to oversee the operation.
If you have questions about using the “Organization” callsign, contact Randy or another member of the ARESDEC Staff. You can read more about the use of “club calls” on the ARRL web site or in FCC Part 97.