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HamCon Colorado is Coming!
The Rocky Mountain Division Convention is coming back to Colorado after nearly 9 years!
We’re going to have a great convention with some fantastic speakers and forums on every topic imaginable. We look forward to seeing you all October 23-26, 2025 in Grand Junction.
What is HamCon Colorado?
HamCon Colorado is the ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention when it transitions to Colorado on it’s 4 year rotation. (Not held since 2016 due to COVID).
It is a fantastic networking and learning event that gives you nearly 60 hours of forums on topics relating to amateur radio!
It will be held October 23-26, 2025 at the Doubletree Hotel in Grand Junction, CO. Many well known national radio speakers will be in attendance as well as national vendors selling commercial wares. DX University will be held all day on Thursday October 23, 2025 supported by some of the best contesters and DXers in the USA.
This will be a full day of learning how to tune up your DXing skills. There will be non-ham events scheduled for the family and XYLs to enjoy what Grand Junction and the surrounding area has to offer.
- W1AW/0 Special events station
- DXCC Card Checking
- Static Displays
- Communications vehicles will be on display
- EOSS Hospitality suite
- Complimentary ARRL Affiliated Club Tables
- Fox Hunts
- Many hours of learning