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Event Series Event Series: Face-to-Face

Building ICS-213RR Messages and Working with the EOC Logistics Section, Update on Mass Care

August 28 @ 19:00 - 21:00

We are in for a treat!  Anne Walton-Cooper, Douglas County OEM Emergency Coordinator, will join us for the evening filled with fun and learning.

Do you know what an ICS-213RR form is used for?  What does the ‘RR’ mean?  (Hint:  It means “Resource Request”).

Anne will teach us how to properly complete an ICS-213RR form used in the Logistics Section of the EOC during an activation/incident.  The form is used to record the type and quantity of resources needed by the requestor.  The ICS-213RR form is also used to track the status of the resources after they are received.  Local organizations and agencies may use modified versions of the ICS-213RR form to meet specific needs and requirements.

How do we complete a 213RR form? What goes into it? What is the process to get a ICS-213RR to the EOC in a complete and timely manner? We will have hands-on practice filling out ICS-213RR forms. What does the Logistics Section do with it after receipt? How does the EOC track resources when ordered and received? These and many other questions will be answered as we learn together.

Time permitting, we’ll also learn a bit more about Mass Care and its function within the EOC.

You don’t want to miss this Face-to-Face meeting.   The ICS-213RR form is a critical component of our ARES R1D5 toolkit.  Each of us must understand how to complete the form properly and how it is used within the EOC Logistics Section.

See you at the meeting!



August 28
19:00 - 21:00
Event Category:


HRSS – Highlands Ranch DCSO Substation
9250 Zotos Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 United States
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