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Event Series Event Series: Face-to-Face

Face-to-Face: ICS Forms Usage/Integration & Table Top Exercise

April 24 @ 19:00 - 21:00

ICS forms and documents used by the Incident Command System (ICS) are used to convey information and direct the response to an incident (planned event or activation). It is very important that every ARES member understands what each type of ICS form is used for and what information is necessary to complete the form.  It’s even more important to understand the relationship of how these ICS forms work together, especially in creating an IAP.

Jim N4JJR will spend the evening sharing with us the purpose of each form, how they are used and why it’s important to understand their importance.    We will also have a table top exercise that will test our knowledge and increase our expertise with ICS forms.   We look forward to learning how to better use the ICS forms and documents in ARES activities.


April 24
19:00 - 21:00
Event Category:


NB – New Beginning Community Church
10550 S Progress Way #100
Parker, CO 80134 United States
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