Have you thought about volunteering to be the Mission Coordinator for an ARESDEC planned event? Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a Mission Coordinator? In ARES, we use Mission Coordinators for both planned events and ‘real-world’ activations. What does it take to be a Mission Coordinator? Are the demands on a Mission Coordinator different for planned events versus activation? Come to our Face-to- Face meeting to get these questions and more answered by experienced ARESDEC Mission Coordinators.
During this Face-to-Face meeting, we will do a deeper dive into the planning and execution of planned events and probably take 75-90 min. Jerry, AG7U plans to involve our District EC and the 2024 MCs (AD0UZ, K0WJF, N4JJR & W6AUN) in a panel type discussion (in addition to the presentation) to include their perspective and experience. We’ll include some Field Day lessons learned.
It will be well worth your time to attend and walk away with all the information you need to be an MC in 2025!
Chris KF0KFA and Chris K0BOM (NCS/ANCS respectively) at the Highlands Ranch Turkey Day 5K, (11/23/2023)