CVM Badge Renewal

Is it time to renew your Colorado Volunteer Mobilizer (CVM) badge?

As part of being a member of ARES R1D5 (ARESDEC), our membership requirements state that:

  1. A member must be register for CVM and be credentialed (the CVM badge is the only R1D5 recognized ID).  In order to have a CVM badge you must be registered in the Colorado Volunteer Mobilizer system.
  2. An active member must have a current (unexpired) CVM badge.

CVM badges expire, and must be renewed every two (2) years. The importance of having a current CVM badge cannot be overstressed.  In some situations, a current ID Badge might be required to participate in planned or unplanned events (i.e. Red Cross Shelters, be waived through police checkpoints, etc.). 

Additionally, the ID Badge is proof you have had a Background Check within the last two years.

This webpage describes three different options available to ARESDEC members to renew their CVM badge before it expires.


If you have had any changes to your profile; such as address, Driver’s License renewal, contact information, amateur radio license (expiration date, license class, or callsign), or new training courses, log into your CVM account and update the new information.

Forgot your CVM username?  No problem, contact or, and  we will send you your user name and (if needed) a link to update your password.

To Renew your Expired CVM Badge (or within 30 days before expiration):

Option 1 – Easiest Way to Renew – Come to a Face-to-Face meeting

Come to an upcoming Face-to-Face (F2F) meeting.  Dick K8ZTT (or designee) will take your picture. Send Dick K8ZTT (or designee) a copy of the front side of your driver’s license, and we will send both items via secure email to CVM.

CVM staff will update your account and send a new CVM badge good for two years directly to you via US mail.  The process should take about 3 weeks to complete.

Option 2 – Easy Way to Renew – Send us a picture of You

In case you can’t make it to a Face-to-Face meeting, the next easiest way to renew your CVM badge is to take (or have someone else take) your picture (make sure it complies with the requirements listed at the bottom of this document).   Send Dick K8ZTT (or designee) your picture and a copy of the front side of your driver’s license, and we will send both items via secure mail to CVM.

CVM staff will update your account and send a new CVM badge good for two years directly to you via US mail.  The process should take about 3 weeks to complete.

Option 3 – Self-renew your CVM badge

If you would prefer, you can take (or have someone else take) a picture of yourself using the criteria listed below (similar to taking a passport photo).  In addition, please take a picture or scan the front side of your driver’s license.   When both are ready, complete the following steps to send to CVM:

  1. Log into your CVM account using the secure link provided to you (please contact or for the secure link).
  2. Create a new message.  You need to add Koral O’Brien’s email address before you can send the message with attachments.  Her email address is
  3. Attach the new photo and a copy of the front of your driver’s license to the email.
  4. Send the email (make sure you use Koral’s address)

Requirements for your photo:

  • The background should be a solid color and smooth (no landscapes/bricks/doors/cars, etc.).
  • The background should not match your hair or shirt color.
  • The photo should include about 4 inches above your head, a couple of inches on
  • either side of your shoulders, and to about mid-chest.
  • Sit and look straight ahead.
  • Make sure to send/save the photo at the original or large size.
  • Make sure you are in a well-lit area — not too dark.
  • The photo must be a color photo.
  • If you wear transition glasses, they are clear.
  • No hats, bandanas or sunglasses.

If you have issues with logging into the secure CVM system link provided to you contact or for further guidance.