ARESDEC Member Receives DCSO (Douglas County Sheriff’s Office) Volunteer of the Year Award

On July 14th, the Douglas County Sheriff’s office held its annual volunteer appreciation dinner. The Sheriff’s Office has over 200 volunteers that work in a variety of volunteer jobs. DCSO (Douglas County Sheriff’s Office) has volunteers that work in Detentions, Victim’s Assistance, the Office of Emergency Management, as Citizen Safety volunteers, and as Reserve Deputy Sheriffs. During the appreciation dinner, Perry Lundquist, one of ARESDEC’s own, received the Volunteer of the Year Award. Perry received the award for his work with Douglas County’s Office of Emergency Management (DC OEM). Perry has been a DC OEM and Sheriff’s Office volunteer since 1997. Perry also joined the Douglas County Incident Management team as a Communications Unit Leader in 2011. In 2015, Perry completed a Reserve Deputy Law Enforcement Academy and became a commissioned Reserve Deputy Sheriff. Perry continues to volunteer in these roles today and hopes to be volunteering with the Sheriff’s Office for a long time to come.

Perry Lundquist (left), Douglas County Sheriff Darren Weekly (right)
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